Nourishing the Soul: A Year-End Reflection and Intentions for the Journey Ahead

Dec 14, 2023

As we stand at the threshold of a new year, it's the perfect time to pause, reflect, and set intentions that resonate with the very core of our being. This year has been a rollercoaster of experiences, hasn't it? Ups, downs, twists, and turns - all contributing to the masterpiece of our lives.

Reflecting on the Journey: In the tapestry of moments, we've discovered facets of ourselves that perhaps were hidden or waiting to be explored. The hunger for fulfillment, the yearning for joy - these are gentle nudges from our souls, urging us to dive deeper into the well of inner wisdom.

Connecting to the Body, Intuition, and Inner Wisdom: What if, in the coming year, we make a conscious effort to connect more with our bodies? To listen to the whispers of intuition and the inner wisdom that guides us? Our bodies are incredible vessels, and tuning into them can open doors to a realm of understanding and fulfillment.

Being Guided by Soul's Values and Purpose: Consider this: your soul has values, a unique purpose, and lessons it wants to learn. What if we made it a priority to align our actions with these guiding principles? A soul-led life is a life well-lived.

Intentions for the Year Ahead: Let's not talk resolutions that fade like mist in the morning sun. Instead, let's set intentions. Intentions to play, to explore, to connect. Adding a dash of play to our daily lives can be the secret ingredient to satisfaction and joy. Whether it's picking up a new hobby or reigniting the passion for an old one, let play be a guiding force.

Satisfying the Hunger for Fulfillment: As we move forward, let's address the hunger and yearning within. The key might just be in the conscious connection to our bodies, listening to our intuition, and aligning with our soul's values. This journey is about being fully alive, experiencing joy, and living authentically.

Celebrating You: Take a moment to celebrate your wins, no matter how small. Acknowledge the growth, the challenges conquered, and the wisdom gained. You're a unique soul on a remarkable journey.

What's Next: As the curtain falls on this chapter, let's step into the next one with intentions that light up our path. Your soul is ready for the adventure. Are you?

Cheers to a soulful, joy-filled year ahead!

With love and gratitude,


With over 30 years of experience in Occupational Therapy, Creative Therapy, Counselling, and Coaching, I have experience in working with eating disorders, energy work, mental health, neurological conditions and various healing modalities. I also incorporate healing, energetic work, and spirituality into my practice. Utilising approaches like NeuroSoma EFT®, Somatic Experiences, Thetahealing®, Oracle Card Readings, and SoulCollage® Journeys.  I offer a sacred space for emotional release, overcoming limiting beliefs, and nurturing creativity and joy. Together, we’ll embark on a transformative journey, boosting your confidence, worthiness, and manifesting your dreams through gradual and powerful steps.

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